Wednesday, September 2, 2009

18 Rabbit Gallery Wall :

Doug Hoekzema put together this Insane Mural Re-interpreting the works and illustrations of Ernst Haekel, at the new 18 Rbbit Gallery in Downtown Ft.Lauderdale, the mural co-incided with the Dialect show just across the street.....

Doug asked Me, Angel Mir, Raphael Rodriguez and Tren to help out with the wall also....

Background on Ernst Haeckel:
Ernst Haeckel was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who discovered, described and named thousands of new species, mapped a genealogical tree relating all life forms, and coined many terms in biology, including phylum, phylogeny, ecology and the kingdom Protista. Haeckel promoted and popularized Charles Darwin's work in Germany and developed the controversial recapitulation theory ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny") claiming that an individual organism's biological development, or ontogeny, parallels and summarizes its species' entire evolutionary development, or phylogeny.

This is an example of an etching illustration he did of microscopic organisms he Discovered......


1 comment:

18 Rabbit Gallery said...

you guys did such a great job. msg rules!--Leah