Sunday, November 22, 2009

Art Basel Wall....

Me and about a dozen other crew members set out to start this art basel off right and set the bar high for the upcoming "Primary Flight" show coming up during Art Basel Dec-2nd-6th , check out , most of you will remember the recent movie, "Zombieland"s logo, well we made it our own adding in key parts of the city on the globe we painted. it was a long hard week.....pause, but we worked together to pull off something great once again. Enjoy the first set of pictures from my man Kevin Almonte, who hung out and documented almst the whole production, see more on his flickr account here---->

A beautifully in-unison collab of the earth by Evils, Me, Quake, Abstrk and 9teen

Crome Me, and 9teen on the big Zombie on the left

Sefer on the zombie on the far right, Edge on the Black sillouette character and Abstrk on the Swamp Zombie of Fire!!

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